City Council NPCS

Captain Stephanie Workman
The Captain of a Nuclear Submarine, Captain Workman is no stranger to hard work. Her work in the Ta'anari Invasion may lead her to an important role in Rancho Bonito Politics.
Played by Daniel
Mayor Alexei Stavros
Recently appointed Mayor

Addie Porter
Council President- Ms. Porter is a woman of power in a man’s world…and she won’t let you forget it. With handsome features and sharp, intelligent eyes she is a bit intimidating. She has sought to discredit Mayor Dodson throughout his second term. She has been a lawyer for 15 years and lives in Royal Heights. She actually admires Super heroes and would be likely to champion a partnership with the police over getting rid of them or suing them.

Mark Caden
District 1-Council Member
Heights is under Mr. Caden’s purview and he is NOT happy. He is well aware that money runs the country and if the moneyed backers leave him high and dry he is done with. He will support whatever the community decides but he thinks that super heroes are nothing more than Vigilantes.

Christina Encantada
District 2-Council Member
Born in Rancho Bonito to lower class parents, Dr. Encantada made something of herself. She has been an accomplished Physician for over 20 years. She is the council member for the part of the town destroyed as the Psyphon traveled to Royal Heights.

Dave Owens
Board of Supervisors(School)
Mr. Owens is proud of his position and prouder still of the Football Field's grass. He was absolutely furious to learn it was used for super purposes. He is NOT a fan.

Ex Mayor Kevin Dodson
Mayor Dodson campaigned on increased police budgets to keep the city safe, increased safety for Rancho Bonito schools, and to increase the cooperation and partnership between big city money and small city charm. He won in a landslide election against the incumbent that was in place 3 years ago. He is relatively young and most women consider him charming. He is a big champion of super heroes but will be likely to side with the majority.

Beth Delaney
An Accountant for more than 20 years, Beth Delaney believes in Truth, justice, and the American financial system. Whatever gets in the way is going to be destroyed. While the three ideals don’t seem to get along, she is the leader of her Department because of her Zeal and her ability to balance human compassion and financial security for the city. Works with Alexei

Vernon Cooper
Great Grandson of Ernest Cooper Sr.-Owned First Ranch Bonita
The great-grandson of Ernest Cooper Sr, Vernon has a lot to live up to. He is young, driven, and ready to prove himself. He has a soft spot for the RBA as his young wife was saved 3 years ago when her high school was overrun by super villains.

Pamela and Dan Politte
HomeOwner Association President and his wife.
Fans of anything that keeps their city and homes safe as long as it doesn't cost too much Moolah.

Leona McFadden
Media/Public Relations
Mrs. McFadden is not a happily married woman and the lines of bitterness are beginning to mar her perfect porcelain complexion. She tends to allow many questions and then comes in with something sharp that gets to the crux of the situation. She also handles all of the homeowner’s associations brochures, pamphlets, and real estate support.

Tammie Kelsey
Public Works Department
Tammie Kelsey is a bright and vivacious woman who is out to help the world…one small public improvement at a time. She hates disorder and will be extremely dramatic about it. She is the Mother of Camilla Kelsey- Long blonde hair, very excitable. Loves Pi Beta Phi and wants it to be the best sorority. She is active in theater, dancing, and is a bit of a fan of Barbara and the Fighter Chicks series. She was a cheerleader on the USC team.